WaxWorks at Triskelion
September 22nd at 7pm
Quintessential Quadrilateral
Performed by Chloe Benitez, Alexandra Carter, Taylor Goska, and Brittany Posas
Fall Immersive Dance Festival
Show produced by MachineHDance
Triskelion Arts – 106 Calyer St
October 24 and 25 at 7pm
Tickets are $20 pre-sale/$25 cash-at-door. FALLIMMERSIVEDF.BROWNPAPERTICKETS.COM
New piece choreographed on MachineHDance Company
Choreographed by Holly Heidt in collaboration with Chloe Benitez, Alexandra Carter, and Cristina Gustaitis
Composed by David Bird
Glitter Kitty Festival
Saturday, November 23 at 8pm
New Piece choreographed on MachineHDance
Composed by David Bird
Performed by Chloe Benitez, Alexandra Carter, and Cristina Gustaitis